Donation Options:
1) Donate online* by clicking here.
2) Visit your local bank or your bank’s website and set up a recurring electronic payment (just as you might do for your mortgage or other payments). Your bank may require the church’s account number. Please call the office for that information. In most cases, this method will avoid any transaction fees.
3) Donate during Sunday Worship
4) Checks can also be mailed to PO Box 771337 Eagle River, AK 99577-1337.
*Depending on how you give, a transaction fee may apply.
- If you give via the ERPC website a 2% fee applies. (Give $100 — the church gets $98.)
To ensure that ERPC gets the full amount of your gift, just add the transaction fee back in.
If you itemize deductions on your tax return, you can still claim the full amount of your contribution, regardless of the transaction fee.
Questions? Contact our church office at or 907.694.5753.